Eesti Rahvuslased ja Konservatiivid


Company info

Eesti Rahvuslased ja Konservatiivid


Eesti Rahvuslased ja Konservatiivid Rahvuslased ja Konservatiivid

Erakonna missiooniks on ühendada rahvuslased ning konservatiivid, et tagada eestluse ja Eesti rahvustraditsioonide kestmine

General info


Eesti Rahvuslased ja Konservatiivid

Registry code



ERAK - Private Law Legal Person



Foundation date

07.08.2024 (0)

Financial year



94921 - Activities of parties





Profit margin


Gross salary






Annual report


Tax arrears

No tax arrears

Return on equity


Return on assets


Related parties

Owner Representative Beneficial owner Roles

Andres Aule

- Board member - Founder (without contribution)

Andri Kiige

- Board member - Founder (without contribution)

Annika Leies

- Board member - Founder (without contribution)

Ants Frosch

- Board member - Founder (without contribution)

Eino Erkki Johannes Rantanen

- Board member - Founder (without contribution)

Helen Rebane

- Board member - Founder (without contribution)

Helle Kullerkupp

- Board member - Founder (without contribution)

Henn Põlluaas

- Board member - Founder (without contribution)

Jaak Valge

- Board member - Founder (without contribution)

Paul Puustusmaa

- Board member - Founder (without contribution)

Rein Suurkask

- Board member - Founder (without contribution)

Ruuben Kaalep

- Board member - Founder (without contribution)

Silver Kuusik

- Board member - Founder (without contribution)

Peeter Ernits

- Board member -

Raul Siem

- Board member -

Aavo Raig

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Ain Kalda

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Aivar Adari

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Aivar Jaanimägi

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Aivar Koitla

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Aivar Sööt

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Aivo Kapten

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Alar Ani

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Alar Maas

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Alina Siht

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Ando Tulvik

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Andres Alliksaar

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Andres Alver

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Andres Ostra

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Andres Punt

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Andres-Teet Merisalu

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Angelika Roosioks

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Anna Juhanson

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Ants Lohk

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Ants Prüüs

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Anu Olesk

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Ardo Sarv

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Arno Kodu

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Artur Karask

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Arved Kesa

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Edmond Penu

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Eerik Eensaar

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Eha Rähn

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Ero Liblik

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Eve Alu

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Eve-Mall Piller

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Galina Raudsepp

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Georg Kirsberg

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Hanno Harjus

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Hans Mati Laasi

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Heino Märks

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Heldur Paulson

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Helges Talinurm

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Helju Vahtraorg

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Herli Koort

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Hugo Rait Mei

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Hurmas Sander

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Ilmar Kolk

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Ilmar Roosioks

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Imre Termonen

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Imre Vähi

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Inga Moro

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Irina Kibe

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Ivi Peemot

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Jaan Vaher

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Jaanus Laos

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Jaanus Petri

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Jaanus Piirimees

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Jako Kull

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Jonas Terna

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Joonas Vain

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Jüri Raudsepp

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kaarel Jaak Roosaare

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kaido Kivest

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kaimar Jääger

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kaimar Mekk

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kalev Essenson

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kalju Mertsina

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kalju Tamme

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kalle Kalda

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kalle Kivistik

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kalle Vahtraorg

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Katriin Mumma

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kaur Kangur

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kersti Tepp

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kert Urmas Raudvere

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Koit Kallas

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Krista Käär

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kristi Vähi

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kristiina Sommer

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kristjan Saar

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kristo Visk

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Kristo Väljako

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Külli Arrak

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Lauri Koni

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Madis Maisalu

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Maie Kaasik

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Mareh Kalda

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Marek Melnits

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Margo Välb

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Margus Naudi

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Margus Ojaste

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Maria Põhako

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Marika Eomois

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Maris Frosch

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Marju Silvet

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Marko Kaldur

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Marko Saksing

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Mati Jaeski

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Meelis Toom

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Merike Holter

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Merike Kuning

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Mihkel Langebraun

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Märtin Muhu

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Olavi Tiitus

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Olev Kalder

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Olev Kull

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Paul Koppel

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Priit Allas

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Priit Kirss

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Rain Virkus

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Rait Juhanson

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Raivo Arrak

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Rasmus Saarejõe

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Raul Kivi

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Rauno Rahnel

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Reet Sai

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Rein Pihlar

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Rein Rahuoja

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Riina Tõgen

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Ronald Judin

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Rudolf Jeeser

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Signe Vaher

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Sigrid Ruul

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Siim Saareoja

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Silvi Langus

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Sirje Lest

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Sven Mühlberg

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Tairo Jürisson

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Taivo Kruusaauk

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Tajo Kadajas

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Tauno Talivee

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Thomaz Lumijärv

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Tiina Leiaru

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Tiina Tihamets

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Toomas Vähi

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Omanikukonto: Tuuli Soomets

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Urmas Abel

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Urmas Lest

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Urmas Raud

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Vahur Siinvert

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Valter Kraavi

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Viktor Kruuse

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Villu Soom

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Virgo Kosemets

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Ülo Naaber

- - - Founder (without contribution)

Paid taxes, taxable turnover and number of employees

State taxes
Labor taxes and payments
2024 Q4 - 500 € 500 € -
2024 Q3 - 266 € - -